Real Estate Courses
1 – Induction Course
2 – Logbook Course
This package include the 8 Modules required by the EAAB for Intern Estate Agent’s introduction during the first 12 months.
Everything you need is included to build and fill your Logbook files in the correct order, style and format to be accepted and be found compliant the FIRST time.
This package include the A – Z Instructions to Build The Logbook from scratch.
This package include the Induction Course to Real Estate.
This package includes the Induction and Logbook Courses – Combo package.
This package includes the Superb “skeleton structure” of the Logbook package. The 7 divisions and Indexes of each.
Personalised Prepared Files for you to fill with your own projects and tasks.
Index, Guide & Instructions on what is required to answer, plus examples of how to answer each of the projects individually.
Indexes, Guides & Instructions on what is required to answer, plus examples of how to answer all of the 10 projects.
This package include the Required 13 Additional Projects referring to the Portfolio of Experience division.
3 – Other Products
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Platinum Package: Complete Induction & Logbook Course in one
Product no 3
Why is this package so unique?
This package includes the INDUCTION and the LOGBOOK courses.
* You will have access to everything you need to learn about the Real Estate Industry from practical experience over many years.
* Your first 12 months in your new career can be quite daunting and confusing, learning all the new terms, laws and processes in selling properties!
* In this same year, you’ll be required to do the mandatory Logbook and build the Portfolio of Evidence files to submit to the EAAB.
* With the Induction Course, we included about 80% of the information needed to answer the questions and tasks sufficiantly and according to the prescribed instructions by the EAAB.
* Spend your first 2 months studying this course, and you’d be well equiped to go out and make a huge success!!
New to the Industry?
* It is required by the EAAB that all Intern Estate Agents undergo an Induction period from the Agency where they’re employed at, at commencement of the internship.
* The underlying objective of this induction period is to ensure that the intern estate agent is given the opportunity to familiarize himself/herself with the policies, procedures, operations and culture of the Estate Agency firm and, similarly, for the Estate Agency firm to assess the qualities an strengths of that intern Estate Agent to perform and make a success.
Gold Package: Complete Induction To Real Estate
Product no 2
The Assignments are not dóne online, but is in preperation for each of the projects for the Logbook.
A Quiz follows ater each Module, and once you’ve passed, an “Induction Certificate’ will automatically be sent to you.
Why is the Induction prescribed for Interns by the EAAB?
It is required by the EAAB that all Intern Estate Agents undergo an Induction period from the Agency where they’re employed at, at commencement of the internship.
Why is this Induction Course from Der Walt Academy so unique?
Each Module is designed in such a way to prepare the Intern Estate Agent for the completion of most of the tasks and projects of the mandatory LOGBOOK to be submitted after the 12-month Internship period, thus saving you time and money simultaniously.
Upon in-depth research it was found that due to various reasons only a handful of Estate Agencies actively take the time to properly train their Interns and consequently many Interns leave the Industry, even when they had the potential to be very successful in this career. This can now be prevented by enrolling to this unique, complete and practical course through Der Walt Academy.
The required aspects covered for the Induction to the Industry are divided in 8 Modules.
* Each Module covers a vast supply of information, Assignments and finally a Multiple choice section.
* Assignments are specifically designed to cover 80% of the tasks for the Logbook.
* Completion of Multiple questions will automatically send the Induction Certificate to file in the Logbook, as required by the EAAB.
Silver Package: Complete Build-the-Logbook Instructions
Product no 1
Comprehensive A – Z Instructions to complete and build your Logbook Files.
Ever wondered how you’re going to complete your Logbook and don’t know where to start??
Well, you are not alone!!
The Logbook is not dóne online, but everything you need to build the files and do every project and task is available to you step by step.
The Logbook can be quite overwhelming and often agents are delaying this tedious task because the structure of the layout and how the questions should be answeredin the EAAB’s Logbook can be quite confusing…
®Der Walt Academy is here to assist you in this very important task EVERY STEP OF THE WAY!
What is included?
- 7 Main sections for the files to design and print
- Detailed Indexes to use for each section as extracted and prescribed by the EAAB
- A template on how to complete the Appraisal section – page 57 – 109
- Complete and detailed 5-page Check List on where exactly to file each and every task, and who has to sign off on tasks.
- How to answer the projects and assignments, font size permitted, layout of files etc.
- How and when to number the pages, as this is extremely important.
NB: This package include the A – Z INSTRUCTIONS TO BUILD THE LOGBOOK and every Intern Estate Agent style should be unique, as no two Logbooks may have the same ‘look’
Bronze Package: Build-the-Logbook Instructions
Product no 4
You never have the TIME to complete your your Logbook, because life is hectic and you have to focus on selling…?
Now You Do!
Once an order is registered on the website, an email with this package will be sent. The attachment will be printable.
Intern Estate Agents can make use of this package to build their Logbook from scratch.
This will enable them to understand the structure in which the Logbook must be submitted to the EAAB.
The contents of this package will allow you to know which are the 7 Main Sections of the Logbook and then follow the Indexes to structure your files. if you have already started with some documents, you will now be ready to get all in the correct order as requested by the EAAB.
An Index of every section is included. You will have to use the instructions in the logbook, which is sometimes confusing, as questions are given in paragraph format. This Package does NOT give you the questions of the different Projects, just the Indexes. As soon as payment is received, and your correct email address and contact number is loaded, Der Walt Academy will forward you the package.
Product no 2 offers you all the all tof the above, PLUS the actual questions which are to be answered and examples of some answers where graphs, images etc are required.
Signup for our full online Real Estate Logbook Course using Payfast, our preferred online secure payment processor.
Logbook Projects 1 – 10
Indexes and Guidance on how to answer the Projects
Projects 1 – 10
You never have the TIME to complete your your Logbook, because life is hectic and you have to focus on selling…?
Now You Do!
Once an order is registered on the website, A pdf document will be sent to you with regards to the guidance on this project immediately.
Intern Estate Agents can make use of these packages to answer the different projects in their Logbook in an organised and bulloet pointed manner.
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Many other Logbook related products are available.
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