It is suggested by the EAAB that all Intern Estate Agents are required to undergo an induction period at the commencement of the internship program.
The underlying objective of this induction period is to ensure that the intern estate agent is given the opportunity to familiarize himself/herself with the policies, procedures, operations and culture of the estate agency firm and, similarly, for the estate agency firm to assess the qualities and strengths of that intern estate agent
Aspects to Emphasize During The Initial Induction Phase Of The Training Of The Intern Estate Agent are as follows:
The Induction Course consists of 8 modules.
Each module has multiple topics. Read through each Topic carefully and once you are certain that you have comprehended the topic at hand, proceed to answer the multiple-choice questions in the Quiz.
Notes on the Assignments:
- Assignments for each Module are not moderated by DerWalt Academy to ultimately earn the Induction Certificate on completion;
- The Assignments are to be completed by the Intern agent him/herself.
- These assignments are specifically aimed, and marked as such, to be applicable in the preparation of the Logbook’s prescribed Projects and additional tasks.
Notes on the Quiz:
- The Quiz found at the end of each Module needs to be answered, and passed, in order to proceed to the next Module;
- A pass rate of 80% is required to proceed to the next Module
- Click the ‘Mark Complete’ button to proceed to the next Module
- At the end of the last Quiz, a Certificate of Completion will be send to the Intern Agent via email / automatically be created to be downloaded.
Additional Notes:
- You must complete all 8 modules and all the topics within each of the 8 modules of our Online Induction Course to receive the Certificate which is automatically issued at the end.
- This Certificate of Completion will aid as Proof of Evidence that the Intern Agent successfully completed the prescribed Induction Course by the EAAB, which are to be filed in the Logbook after the Appraisal form (page 65 in the “THE INTERN ESTATE AGENT MANDATORY WORKPLACE LEARNING PROGRAMME LOGBOOK AND WORKPLACE PORTFOLIO OF EVIDENCE”
- It is suggested that, as the course will be only available for a certain period of time, that these assignments and answers are filed for future reference.
- The training of the complete Induction course is to be conducted by the Principal or Training officer of the Real Estate Agency.
The ‘Mark Complete’ button is right at the bottom of the page of all the individual topics you read though. This is shown in the graphic below:
In addition to being a paid, enrolled user in the course, you just need a reliable internet connection and a computer to access and complete this course.
Once you have paid for the course of your choice, you will receive a password to access the training material.
Induction to Real Estate Agency

Introduction to Real Estate Career

Property Ownership




Financial Options

F.I.C.A. & F.A.I.S.

®DWA offers this comprehensive course exclusively to Real Estate Agencies and takes the training of your Interns off your hands!
Sir Francis Bacon attributed to the phrase “Knowledge is Power’ which dates back to 1597, is very often used and even believed. Very true words, indeed, but knowledge without action is really useless…
Being a Business/Franchise owner carries a great deal of courage and responsibility. Being a Principle with successful Real Estate Agents, who thrive and grow their businesses, and yours, is why you are here in the first place, isn’t it?
A combination of a knowledgeable Estate Agent, who also adheres to the Code of Conduct of this industry, is what will really grow your business and the company’s reputation from strength to strength.
It is therefore also a requirement from the EAAB to have a Practical Career Based Induction Course implemented at the Agencies.
The Induction Course also forms a major part of the Portfolio of Evidence required in the Logbook from the EAAB, where the IEA has to complete and submit assignments, based on this course.
The underlying objective of this induction period is to ensure that the IEA is given the opportunity to be introduced to the broad spectrum of the code of conduct, terms, insight, policies & procedures, operations and culture of the real estate industry and the property ‘world’.
The duty of the principal to mentor the intern estate agent, as explained on page 33 and 43 of “THE INTERN ESTATE AGENT MANDATORY WORKPLACE LEARNING PROGRAMME LOGBOOK AND WORKPLACE PORTFOLIO OF EVIDENCE”:
What we offer you in this course:
- Complete guide to Real Estate as prescribed by the EAAB.
- 1) Induction to the Real Estate Agency; 2) Introduction to Real Estate; 3) Property ownership; 4) Marketing; 5) Listing procedures; 6) Selling a property; 7) Financial Options to buyers; 8) F.I.C.A. & FAIS
- Certificate of compliance to be placed as evidence in the Logbook (section C)
My sincere wish and goal is that every intern agent must be equipped with proper practical knowledge of the day-to-day functions we’re facing in this very competitive industry, right from the start, in the foundation development phase, by creating good, ethical and correct habits in conducting the business, which might re-establish a better image to the broad public we serve.
Property Practitioner Candidate
As a Property Practitioner Candidate in South Africa, you had to complete your PPRA Intern Estate Agent Logbook. This applies to those candidates who received their FFC befóre 1 July 2024.
Proof of Evidence that you were Inducted (trained) in the Real Estate Industry should be included and also forms Part of the Logbook.
Let us take care of you as Rookie or Candidate to enjoy the experience and exceed above average by taking you through this process we’ve developed to be a simple and intuitive online course, to enable you to kick-start your career as an Estate Agent.
Who Should Register
Any new Property Practitioner Candidate in the Real Estate Industry who have signed a contract of employment with an Agency, and holds an FFC (Fidelity Fund Certificate), but have yet to complete their PPRA Logbook.
This applies to those candidates who received their FFC befóre 1 July 2024.
What we offer you in the PROPERTY 101 course:
Complete Induction and introduction of all aspects relating to Real Estate in South Africa.
There is no training or marking of assignments involved in this course.
However, the PROPERTY 101 we offer here contains 99% of the information you need to complete your Logbook and/or NQF4.
What we supply you with:
- 8 Modules, each with:
- Free downloads to resource material.
- Free templates for multiple calculations, graphs & administrative tips.
What do the Modules include:
1. Reading material:
1. 8 Modules with In-depth Information on the topic and where applicable for Logbook projects and tasks.
2. Examples and templates
3. Practical calculation examples
4. Illustrative Graphs
5. Helpful web/links
1. Assignments for the practical testing of your knowledge
2. In preparation for the Logbook, similar assignments to complete
3. Scenarios to follow in order to complete different types of Offer to Purchases.
1. Multiple choice quiz on each Module to pass and proceed to the next Module.
NB: Once enrolled, access to the course is given for 6 (six) months, after which it will be disabled..