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Message to the Intern Estate Agent
It is therefore also a requirement from the PPRA to have a Practical Career Based Induction Course implemented at the Agencies. The Induction Course also forms a major part of the Portfolio of Evidence required in the Logbook from the EAAB, where the Intern has to complete and submit assignments, based on this course.
The underlying objective of this Induction period and Course is to ensure that the IEA is given the opportunity to be introduced to the broad spectrum of the code of conduct, terms, insight, policies & procedures, operations and culture of the real estate industry and the property ‘world’.
®DER WALT ACADEMY who also offered the legendary Logbook Training which will now phase out on 30 June 2024, found that a large percentage of Real Estate Agencies do not comply with these prescribed functions for their IEA’s, who then have limited access to any training material, which has to be submitted as proof and included in their Logbook Portfolio of Evidence.
Many interns also feel frustrated and ‘lost’ without the much-needed training and guidance, consequently leave the industry.
Message to the Principal
The duties of the Principal to mentor the intern estate agent, are as explained on page 43 of “THE INTERN ESTATE AGENT MANDATORY WORKPLACE LEARNING PROGRAMME LOGBOOK AND WORKPLACE PORTFOLIO OF EVIDENCE”:
“The principal must grant the intern estate agent the opportunity to observe, and actively participate in, all the management processes and procedures that have been introduced and implemented by the estate agency enterprise. The principal may, in discharging this obligation, also devise realistic management simulation opportunities, case studies and role-plays for the education and professional development of the intern estate agent where the management function of the enterprise is concerned.”
And Page 33: “ It is to be emphasized that all principal estate agents are obliged to provide continuous training to ensure that all estate agents in the service of the enterprise, as well as other enterprise employees, are fully aware of the requirements of the FIC Act, the regulations and the internal rules and are able to comply fully therewith.”
The Der Walt Academy Story
Sir Francis Bacon attributed to the phrase “Knowledge is Power’ which dates back to 1597, is very often used and even believed. Very true words, indeed, but knowledge without action is really useless…
Directed to the Principal: Being a principal or Franchise owner carries a great deal of courage and responsibility. Being in business with successful Real Estate Agents, who thrive and grow their businesses, and yours, is why you are here in the first place, isn’t it?
A combination of a knowledgeable Estate Agent who also adheres to the Code of Conduct of this industry is what will really grow your business and the company’s reputation from strength to strength.
The Birth of the Induction Course